
Night Beckons


05-07-2013, 10:56 AM

Words washed around her, purposeful but meaningless at he same time. Secret went over the usual with new wolves, speaking bluntly but to the point to this female. Vi's sharp gaze remained on this new female, pelt of black appealing on a primal level to the striking red female. Vi remained silent at Secrets side, mind drifting as words continued to float about, ready for her to catch them if she so desired but she never did. Every so often a word would dance tantalizingly close to her ears, enough for her to flip and large audit towards it and catch it. Battle. Warrior. Spy. It wasn't until she mentioned her brother did the red lady tune in and give all her attention to the topic on hand. She listened carefully as she described the male, a small smile slithering its way across delicate features. He sounded a lot like Ky before he had met Secret and had a family. Oh how much they had changed since they came here.

Paw would raise, white appendage waving away the statement even as the female spoke. There was no need for this. Vi wasn't sure how exactly Kaien operated with newcomers but bother Vi and Secret had been a part of Jaegers pack originally and Vi could only assume that they were on the same page after the scolding they had gotten for trying to enslave Pi. Everyone was welcome here. Even the psychos and rapists that Vi would rather kill at the boarder Jarger had accepted them. But he had been able to control them. Karen's control of this pack seemed to be wavering. But hey, if they could control this female well enough and her brother listened to her then who were they to turn them away. "I believe there will be no issue with your brother, mine was much the same when we first joined. Now..." Voice trailed off thoughtfully. Now he was running off to challenge their potential allies lead male to a death match over the female stationed to her left. But this new female didn't need to know that yet. "That's besides the point. When he arrives bring him to myself or Secret here and we can officially appoint him a rank. I'm Viridiana by the way, Viri or Vi for short though" she purred, voice carrying a low, husky quality as they slid off her tongue.

Attention was turned to Secret now, easy smile still stationed upon her maw as she studied the older female. Vi carried her head slightly higher, chin tipped down cautiously for those just on case moments, but it was fairly obvious that they were close in rank. Vi's tail, though, rarely left from where it kicked at her heels, choosing to never give someone the chance to grab it in exchange for asserting her dominance. "Do we still have a rank for spies? I can't remember since the pack structure was remodelled... Or should she be and Iscarac and be one of yours?" she asked easily, time polite and devoid of its usual sarcasm. It was becoming a more common occurance for her to speak normally. Since her meeting with Morphine Vi's politeness meter had gone from 0 to maybe a 3. Still not great but she was working on it. She wanted to play a bigger role in this pack and that would take some practice when it came to her social skills.