
Biull Latchme


07-10-2014, 06:19 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
How did you get here?: Teleported
Age: 21

Character's Name: Biull Latchme
Age: 1 Year
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 32"
Appearance Description:

Biull is a wolf who does not move with pride or joy. He moves with his head lowered and eyes downcast, lost in this world since leaving his remaining family. His is not confident nor bold, nor does he truly have any reason to be. His mismatched eyes of blue and green hold a look of sadness and uncertainty, betraying how he feels as easily as if one was simply reading a book.

Biull?s features are softer, bearing a longer body than the average wolf. He is also tall, though not built large, standing at thirty-two inches and ninty-two pounds. He is above all rather average, though he considers himself a horrible sight to look at due to the three small scars that run across his right eye. They have faded over time, though they are a harsh reminder of the past.

The brute?s entire coat is made up of shades of brown, the lightest being his undersides and legs. His back is much darker, with a medium tone in the middle. His head, except for his ears tips and lower jaw, bear this medium colored brown. The ear tips are darker toned, just like his back. Darker still are the flecks of brown along the top of his coat and along the top of his tail. His eyes are the most beautiful thing about the male, holding a vivid shade of green for the right and light blue for the left.

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