
A New Start To Adventure


07-10-2014, 06:49 PM

The woman was kind enough to lower herself to F?licien?s level, and the young male would give a small nod of gratitude to her for that. He was indeed related to the Destruction family... He had noticed the bi-colored eyes he bore was a common trait within his family. He would give a nod, though he had yet to interact with his family as much as he liked. Other than his brother, sister, and parents that was. He was glad though that this new Ludicael member found the pack to be of her liking, and his tail would wag some as he looked to her. She would introduce herself as Wren before following up with a question of her own.

F?licien would look around him as he answered, taking in the winter view. ?I was exploring... I got pretty sick for a while... And I was worried I wasn?t going to make it. But... I?m better now... So I wanted to re-familiarize myself with the territory.? Gaze would shift back to Wren, rising to his paws again as he showed her a gentle smile. ?Do you want to walk around with me for a while? Perhaps we can find things that the other has not noticed.?