
running away


07-10-2014, 07:07 PM

The russet male was conscious of his facial muscles, keeping his face void of any emotion, anything... "off" about his appearance. Mirabelle had mentioned Harmony, and Xae still wasn't quite sure what he thought of her. She distracted him. He... forgot things around her, or when he thought about her. The dark female was speaking again, responding to a question that Xae had asked her. His eyes roamed over the ear. He took a few steps forward, leaning closer to gently nose her ear as he sniffed. Any wolf would be able to smell infection in the blood, but Xae sensed none. He took a few paces back, looking around. "If I recall correctly, yarrow should help stop the bleeding and stimulate fresh skin growth." Xae searched for the herb, knowing that it liked dry places like the plains, and that it was a relatively common herb. When he found the white flowers, he hurried to it, sniffing to confirm it was the herb he sought. Xae snapped a small branch off, grinding the herb down between his jaws. The juices filled his mouth, and the russet, leggy male reminded himself not to swallow. Reaching Mirabelle, he, still being careful and somewhat hesitant, as he and Mirabelle weren't exactly close, applied the poultice from the plant, spitting some onto the fae's wound and licking it to ensure the wound had sufficient coverage.
