
Welcome to Hotel California


07-10-2014, 07:31 PM

His voice would fill her ears, her defenses soothing ever so slightly. She would follow the masculine sound until she stood several feet away from the man. A small smile played on dark lips as she brought herself to halt before the stranger. "Hello." She tried her best to appear slightly more friendly then when she had spoken before. In the dark, it was hard to make out much of what he looked like, but his vibrant cyan eyes stood out against his pelt and the darkness. Her tail would wag slowly, a small attempt to apologize. "I'm Maia." She would introduce herself with a dip of her crown before returning her gaze to his. Her weight would sway, uncertain whether or not she should sit. Dispose of him! Now! Voices screeched in protest. Nostrils quivered, inhaling his scent, unable to pinpoint anything specific or familiar. Haunches would finally recline, settling against the cool earth comfortably. Her gaze would rest on his easily, her posture relaxing into its normal state, defenses fell away as she slowly found herself at ease once again. "Sorry about that, my pack isn't exactly friend with the neighboring pack." She would lift a narrow shoulder, a bitter chuckle rolling off her tongue for disappearing entirely.
