
little lost lady


07-10-2014, 10:57 PM

Svanerna had birthed a single pup from a single man way back in the day. About a year from then. She had popped the sucker out and it was a beautiful creature. Cream fur with black and white markings. Eyes of crimson. Yet, her god forsaken heathen of a father had taken her back. Snatched her from her paws like the fool her was. If she ever laid eyes upon him again she would destroy him. The girl missed that pup, she had deemed it to be dead. How could a man nurse a pup on his own. Especially one that was dumber then a pile of sticks. The woman did not think of it much, for obviously the Gods had deemed her unworthy of mothering such a divine pup. It haunted her but she had forgotten such feelings. Yet, when she was slithering through her lands the thought of her forsaken babe came forth. As if a sign from the higher beings above. Shwoing her a sign. The girl yearned for the pup, feeling abandoned. Her love, Jae, had left her. Kappy left her even though he was back. Then Schon, she had been swept away and not another word had been spoken of her. Yet, in those moments, within the moor, she had flashbacks of the little pup. Oh how the Gods loved to fiddle with her children.

Lineart courtesy of Henu on dA - Character belongs to the lovely Canttina