
little lost lady



9 Years
07-10-2014, 11:07 PM

I have seen all, I have heard all

I have forgotten all.

Her mission was to find her mother. The lanky girl had escaped the greedy paws of her heathen father to search for her Viking mother. She had been looking for her for a month or two. The yearling had just reach the phase of yearling. Her form was making itself known. Her bodice was long and lanky with short fur. Her bones were evident and her entire body light. Yet, she was very tall at 36 inches. In a normal world she would tower over others. Yet, most were larger then her. In a fatty sort of way. The girl was very light and barely any fat existed in places it shouldn't. She thought wide Wolves were horribly disgusting, as she thought everyone should. Without her zealot of a mother, her ways had been mangled. Cannibalism. Murder. Blood. Vainess. Arrogance. All of the above had flooded the mind of the once innocent child. The girl was now a horror, a feat to be reckoned with in her own mind. She had attacked her own father to leave his shackles. Now, she was in the lands of her mother and she didnt even know it. Schon prowled through the moor with a scowl upon her face, but when she caught wind of her mums scent the yearling went wide eyed. Her tail flicked up and her bony paws picked up pace. The girl slithered faster and faster until her demonic eyes fell upon the creature she called her mother. Svanerna Finnvi. Schon stopped for a moment before they made eye contact. The lanky girl flew forth and embraced her mother with ease. Her mother gasped and did the same. They were connected in an instant, making a connected neither of them had ever felt before. "Meine Mutter! Ich habe dich so vermisst! Ich habe f?r Sie gesucht. Ich habe dich jetzt. Ich liebe dich! sie G?tter haben uns an diesem Tag gesegnet! Mutter!" The usually serious girl was weak in those instant. It was her mother for crying out loud!

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.