
Among the Marsh's Song



4 Years
07-11-2014, 09:04 AM
Aoto sat there silently pondering what he could be doing next oblivious to the peering eyes for a little bit until he felt like someone or something was watching him. He thought it was the birds that were staring at him after he howled but that didn't quite seem right when the fact most would've fled from his vicinity after that. Aoto begun to stand up slightly just enough to give himself the maneuverability he needed to look around. There was a different scent in the air and one that attracted his attention not for anything malicious as he couldn't bear to harm pretty much anything unless it was necessary such as the birds he had been able to catch among other things for food. The dusty brown wolf got up even more until he stood at his full height and softly moved around until he was facing where the scent was coming from and there he spotted a young wolf that was out of his reach.

Nothing but a smile shown on his muzzle as he playfully let out a bark or what would seem like it in a way ?hello there, what are you doing out here? Surely you must be out here with someone else?? Aoto was curious but he wasn't going to approach this stranger as he didn't want to cause any panic for anyone else that they may be with way out here. He was going to be careful because this was someplace he wouldn't want to get into a fight with anyone. Once again he began to speak to the stranger ?I promise to not harm you at all if you wish to come over here as all I would like to do is talk with you that is all since I'm a loner and alone in this beautiful land and well fighting would lead to misfortune for anyone out here who is alone and I dislike fighting for I enjoy helping anyone who is injured or just in general need help? He smiled a little wondering who this strange wolf was and if they were alone he'd rather team up with them instead of both being a loner incase something bad occurred.

The appearance of the stranger looked vaguely familiar to someone else he knew ?Ashtoreth...? he couldn't help but let that name slip out from his mind and his maw ?You look almost like someone I know, please tell me your name and before you do I shall introduce myself... I'm Aoto? He bowed politely as best he could to the dark grey wolf before taking a few small steps forward only taking moments to blink so he didn't lose track of this other wolf. Then after his few steps he sat back down on his haunches and kept his gaze on the rather similar looking wolf that looked almost like Ashtoreth.