
Spring Fling



10 Years
07-11-2014, 09:59 AM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2014, 10:00 AM by Ara.)

Ara was not competitive by nature. Winning meant too much attention -- and she preferred to remain on the sidelines, relatively unnoticed and quiet. Even now, she felt no urge to beat Novel, even though she easily could have, and she found herself only gaining distance for a moment before she let her pace slow until she was back by Novel's side. When they had first met, she had felt a vague desire to impress her, but now she didn't feel that urge; instead she was impressed by her, awed by her strength and courage that she had shown when she was near death. "We both win," she told her with a soft chuckle, bumping her shoulder lightly with her nose as they went.

Their pace was a gentle one and she was happy that they didn't have to rush things. They had already spent so much of the day just making their way here; she was certain they wouldn't be in any rush to return home before the day came to a close. Ara wouldn't mind spending the night here at all. The air was delicious to her nose and the sights were just as lovely, the colors vibrant as they drew nearer, the landscape riddled with beautiful plants and foliage. A smile was offered to Novel beside her as the grass seemed to thicken at their paws as they made their way into the orchard. "What do you want to look for first?" Either for herbs, or just flowers, or even the fruit that was said to be abundant here. The aroma in the air was not just floral, but sweet too, making her feel a gentle rumbling in her stomach at the prospect of food.