


05-07-2013, 03:04 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Gradually, Tortugans young and old flooded the circle until the scent of the pack became nearly intoxicating in her nostrils, but one scent that mingled with the familiar was entirely foreign and stuck out like a sore thumb. Her pupils danced across the sea of faces until they fell upon the foolish rogue who had obviously mistaken the summoning howl for her pack as an invitation to join, her expression morphing to one of disdain for the oblivious canine. Was the creature so daft as to cross the borders she had clearly marked to indicate a pack occupied the mountainous territory already? Yes, yes she was. But the white witch was not alone in her disapproval for the other; that much could be deciphered from the questioning glances she had received from some of the members. But their desires to see the stranger off personally would go unfulfilled as Morphine stepped from her position, her pupils locking onto the unknown woman?s own and her tail flicking in the direction she had started off in as a beckoning signal to follow her while the rest of the pack settled into the area and waited for the meeting to begin. She?d draw the girl away from the crowd until they were out of earshot from everyone else, pausing towards the edge of the circle and turning back to address the female if she had chosen to follow. If it?s urgent, I advise you to wait for me at the borders. This is a meeting for the pack and the pack alone; what must be said is not to fall upon outside ears. Her voice was hardly audible but she was in close enough proximity to the other for her to hear. If you wait, I will meet you there to hear you out once the meeting reaches its conclusion. Understood? Whether or not the other would respond and comply to Morphine?s wishes, the queen would nod and pivot to face the crowd once more.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with me, she began with a vague tone as she maneuvered through the bodies back to her original position. I am your Vecaan next to Kaien. I am Morphine. A brief smirk flickered over her countenance as her gaze shifted from face to face in an attempt to sound more personal to each individual present. The distinct visage that was none other than that of Luce?s ? it was tainted by rage and captivated Morphine?s attention more so than the others, and soon, she knew where to begin and the anxiety bubbling within her slowly began to disappear. But, no; you weren?t summoned here today to meet me... rather, you were summoned for instruction, knowledge, and discussion. See, Valhalla has taken not one of our own, but two: Neo and Cyanide. One of the two ? Neo ? is valued here as he is a useful asset to our pack, however, the other has a bounty over her head for treason. She will be taken care of ? they both will be, in fact. They both will return to this pack, but by stealth rather than other methods... You all are more than aware of Valhalla?s numbers that tower above our own by far. To provoke Valhalla means to insinuate further negative feelings towards us that could lead to a war ? a war we are not prepared for. Thus, I warn you all now only once: do not do anything to provoke that pack. I reiterate that we are not ready for war ? you all may be seasoned warriors but Tortuga is far too small to win based upon experience. She spoke the truth; whether or not the canines holding a rank in the pack were bloodthirsty mongrels that would stop at nothing for a kill, Valhalla would still manage to reign victorious because of their numbers and allies? numbers. Tortuga?s numbers were dwindling and would surely fall at the paws of the other packs, and neither Morphine nor Kaien wished to see the pack fall. So it wouldn?t; she?d ensure that.

On that note, just in case worst comes to worst, I advise all of you to begin training for combat. Spars can and will be organized for members of all ages to participate in. Not only are they an excellent way to prove your worth in battle and grant Kaien and I an insight on who deserves to be placed in higher combat-based positions, but it?s also useful to prepare you for all the different tactics that your opponents could use on you. She looked over the crowd once more, granting them room to pipe in case they needed to, for she didn?t have anything else to say on that matter. She then shifted her gaze to her counterpart who had commanded her to organize this meeting, allowing him the chance to state anything else that she had missed with a small grin.
