
Lights Out


07-11-2014, 07:54 PM

Hel sunk back on her haunches as her own emerald gaze settled on the russet creature that approached her. Another pup, perhaps close to Hel's own age, and certainly not one of her family. No, this girl carried a pack's scent - and not Valhalla, the only pack that Hel had come into contact with. "I do live here," Hel began cautiously, though she continued easily moments later, "My aunts and uncles and my father and sisters and brother all live here." She clarified after a moment. Hel did have a lot of family in the area, didn't she? And yet, she cared only for her father and siblings - she was rather partial to them. Family was all you needed in life.

Craning her head to keep up with the girl's slow circling movement, Hel let her tail wag just slightly "My name's Helena Frost - but you can call me Hel, if you want." Her family name would likely mean nothing to the stranger, but Hel liked that it tied her back to her family. It wasn't her father's last name precisely, but no one but her siblings were Frosts. It meant that they belonged somewhere, that someone still wanted them even now. "And what's your name, stranger?" Hel asked casually, her ears swivelling to keep at least one sense locked onto the other as she turned her head back to the front.


"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'