
'Til all my sleeves are stained red



5 Years
07-11-2014, 08:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A strong sense of relief filled her the second she spotted Maximous headed their way. With him there, she was no longer the most capable of handling the situation, and while she already had decided on what the best treatment within her repertoire would have been she did not happen to have the needed items on hand. Max, of course, did; he always did. She stepped clear as he approached, giving him the lead in treatment and watching as he placed a plant directly before the injured white wolf, the scent of which was strong and caused her nose to crinkle against its smell. Wintergreen. There was no mistaking that smell, and she was sure to commit its use as Max spoke of it to memory.

With the pain reliever administered, Max looked her way, and Callisto's ears perked to attention. Hold the leg while he put the plant on it. It sounded like a simple enough task, though as she glanced toward Katja and the leg in question she knew it would be slightly more challenging to execute. But all she did was sigh resignedly and nod her head understandingly, stepping over to take up a place beside Katja as the white wolf fell unconscious. "She's out, Max," Calli stated, her eyes darting once away toward the more experienced healer before setting again on the paw as she curved one of her own beneath it and lifted it at a slight angle. She did not want to make it harder on Katja to do her part - she was grateful that the woman was so willing to act when it was needed - and she watched to make sure that the bleeding would slow.