
Unpredictability {Joining}


07-12-2014, 12:38 AM

Dark blood stained paws would step towards lands that smelled of a reign supreme. Aqua gaze cold and sharp, senses alert for the approach of anyone nearby. Fur was risen along his back, tail curled dominantly against his haunches as he stood tall. A sneer constantly plastered on the brutes face. Who would he meet today? Would it be one of superior intellect? A bloodthirsty heathen such as he? Or a band of misfit softies whom he could easily tear apart like those he had during the war? He would only find out in time, though he hoped it wasn't such a waste like Glaciem had once been. The place he had once sworn fealty, only to watch if fall. One reason he had left without a word after his murderous deed. The beast would stop a few feet from the border, calling sharply into the sky, stance relaxed yet prepared in the event of a random onslaught. The man was always so well prepared, for anything. It was fun, to do unto others the nasty things he had already done. To spill blood upon his tongue and pool it onto the ground...he so dearly hoped this pack wasn't spineless. And so he would wait, the heathen preparing for a life of ecstasy in hell.
