



2 Years
07-12-2014, 01:17 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2014, 01:17 AM by Crucifix.)

What happened next would be utterly unexpected. Sibelle would come down from her place beside Vi and make her way towards him. His eyes would turn to watch her approch, to try and make contact with the eyes that glared upon him. He was not certain what was going on with her, but could only imagine some of what she was feeling ? with her injuries and losing her pack. Aside from her return home the last time he had seen her they had almost done the deed, before something had turned him back. He did not think she regretted it either way, he did not think she had any feelings for him beyond lust and the strange friendship that had sprung up between them.

She pushed her shoulder into him and he did not move away, his eyes would simply watch her and he found himself unable to speak. A nameless dreed had begun to tumble beneath his chest and he did not understand what she was doing, what was going through her mind. She would speak then, his dear friend and his world would open up beneath him. Lavander eyes would slip closed as he struggled to find stablity in the moving ground beneath him. The boy would sway almost subtly and he would swollow deep. He knew he was a royal ass, he knew he had gone wrong somewhere and still he was so confused he couldn't work his mind through it. ?I.. maybe.. yes.. I.. it dosen't matter. She could never feel the same way and I.. I assume this is about me approching her about it earlier? he let out a shaky breath bowing his head further his eyes still closed. ?I should never have said anything, it was wrong of me when she is married, a mother, a ruler? he thought then that she wanted to take her dues as Vi's best friend, punish him for the complicated wrongs of the heart in the name of her friend. For after all she was setting out her feet in a fighting stance and would speak again. No... this isn't what this was about, and he was finally, at last, starting to realise as she spoke again and his eyes would snap open. His throat was heavy now, he didn't care that there where people about them, not when he had wronged Sib. He could see now that this was about her, that Vi had told her what he had said. Yes, he was at least wise enough to know that seeing another when they had been about to do the deed was beyond wrong, and perhaps she was asking for blood for this purpose.

?Sib? he whispered ?I could think only of Rasberries, which is.. which is yes, a joke between me and Vi, and could be a refrence to her and I could not go through with it when I did not understand my own mind. I couldn't do that to you, or to her, not even in lust for you are also my friend.? He took in another shaky breath. His voice was barely audible now ?I'm broken Sib, and I dont know how I can stay here, but nor do I know how to leave. Help me? He whispered, so selfishly, for she was also one of his only friends and even well he had wronged her and she thirsted for his blood he didn't know how to save himself ? not from her teeth, but for all their hearts and for his own.