
Pull away from the system[haji's death]



5 Years
07-12-2014, 01:24 AM

[Image: e7h5aw.jpg]
Levi knew exactly what was going to happen after this, he had probably seen it coming after all Hajime was the only one he had cared about. Raisa meant nothing to him, and he hadn't known his real mother at all. Hajime was actually the one parent he relied on, who he observed and payed attention to. Right when his father was happy, enjoying himself, someone had to come along and take that happiness away. Was that what his family was destined to have, just a life of their happiness being torn away. The young boy would inch away from Harmony rather coldly, moving himself carefully over to the body, and the alive brother who had come as soon as the commotion had gone down. Levi's eyed looked at the mangled body of the man who was just standing, going to tell him of what was going to happen next. His eyes glazed over for a moment, holding back painful tears as he forcefully pressed himself against his brother Ixionn.
"You can take my father, you can take my friends, but please, please whatever you are whoever you are. Don't you care take my brothers and sisters away from me." He said in a frustrated tone. He pressed his snout against his brother, trying to comfort him the best he knew how. Even if he had trouble understanding what compassion was in the first place. "It's okay Ix, Quelt will take care of us, even great uncle Allen will. It's okay I promise, just please don't be mad at me, not ever." he begged, nearly pleaded as he smiled yet cried at the same time. It was moving onto the next parent, but one thing he knew was that he wanted to stay here, stay with Quelt, stay with his siblings no matter what happened. Otherwise, he'd just go numb.
