
bones and skin


07-12-2014, 01:22 PM

So wake me up when it's all over.

His dear sister was so close to him, but he was so far away. Honey gaze would dull at the sound of her voice above the howling winds, a snarl ripping from his throat. "I could have helped it."?and his words were all true?He had fought against the plague, fighting against it's wicked desires to bend his will. "I let the plague control me. I submitted to the disease too early. I gave up on myself..." Tears stung against his eyes, honey gaze glassing over with sadness, his voice sounding once more, but a feeble whisper. "Why didn't you l-leave when I told you?" The summer child would push himself upward, russet orange auditories flattened against his skull. That was the only question that mattered to her now. Why? Why... Darkness peaked at the edges of his vision. No... Suddenly, he would begin to trudge in an unknown direction, honey gaze narrowed to the point of barely registering light. What his destination was?a cave?was unclear to any those who simply stumbled upon the boy. The shape of a den came to view, as relief surged over him as he would begin to trot toward the den, collapsing within, breathing short and quick breaths to warm the cold air inside the enclave.