
The Follower Who Lost His Heart


07-12-2014, 02:41 PM

Hurt. So much hurt welled in his chest, and the calico had, at least for the night of and much of the day after Hajime's death, been scarce. Mourning the loss of his nephew, a wolf he loved so very, very much. He was his king, a wolf who Allen believed in and built his world around. Losing Riv, even though it was perhaps a bit sad to say such, hurt less than losing Hajime had. The calico's dark eyes seemed to hold a constant sadness. He was hurting, hurting so very much. The male would give a sigh, slowly heading towards the den of Quelt occupied. Seeing another family member, so he hoped, would help relieve some of the pain for a little while. He could only hope anyway. Aiko's company had cheered the aging wolf slightly, but she too was saddened over her father's death. Who wouldn't be?

The calico would slow as he neared Quelt's den, taking a breath as he called softly inside, hoping that Quelt may be within. If he wasn't, well, Allen could just sit and wait for him. It wasn't as if the male had much will to do much else at the moment. It would take a while to get over the grieving process, he knew, but he would not abandon Haji's chidren. Those little bundles were what truly tied the man to this place. A soft whine would leave him before he spoke, the other male's name rolling off his tongue. "Quelt?"

"Speech", 'Thought'