
bring the fire to the world [ABAVEN PACK HUNT]


07-12-2014, 03:06 PM

It seemed as though Xae was the last to arrive. Instantly, the leggy male felt ashamed of himself, but he brushed the feeling off almost as quickly. He had been trying to better his knowledge in the field he was actually involved in - healing. Hunting was vital to the pack, too, he knew - it's why Xae stayed, why he wasn't bothered by the fact that his learning had been interrupted. This way, too, he could learn more about hunting. Whether Bass actually responded to his question or not, Xae turned away from the Azat when the female who had called the pack hunt spoke aloud, addressing the entire company. Bjundi Mirabelle, as she had introduced herself, set about explaining their strategy. It was clever, and should certainly have worked perfectly. He waited, listening to the others as they introduced themselves to the pack and chose their desired team. One member in particular - a black and white female who called herself Emma - seemed to hold quite a nasty temper. The russet male mentally reminded himself to steer clear of her, desiring no conflicts.

He took a couple paces forward, closer to Mirabelle so he could address her, though not so close as to seem like he was speaking only to her. He raised his voice loud enough so that others could hear, so there would be no confusion when the time came to disperse. "I am Xae, a Kruni. Bjundi Mirabelle, I believe I shall be of most use to you on your team, seeking out and flushing the prey." He didn't bother explaining why he would be most useful for the first team - after all, it had to be obvious; he had a lean runner's body, and had little experience hunting for a pack. For himself was one thing, but an entire pack was a whole other game. Grey eyes moved away from the dark female, gazing at the rest of those he would be working with.
