
video killed the radio star



3 Years
07-14-2014, 03:46 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

She'd wandered a bit farther from home than she'd intended, but the cool weather drew her in. The possibility of seeing frost still lured her to the northern lands like a moth to a flame, and here the patchwork girl was. Her slightly oversized paws thunked against the terra with none of the ease she would soon possess. Toxic green eyes scanned the immense forest as she approached, awed by the enormous trees she was coming upon. Her tri coloured tail gave a happy wag, and a small smile was creeping up on her face. The strong scent of wolves all around stopped her before she got much closer, and the lass decided to admire from a distance. Her small rump dropped onto the ground, and she quickly settled in to watch things move about among the massive trees. Birds chirped and sang, a few deer wandered into view for a moment or two, and all these wonderful things kept on going regardless of her presence. Mismatched audits twitched and flickered as birdsong added a pleasant tune to the air, mixing nicely with the musk of the trees.

A small sigh would escape the contented girl's dark lips, and she would slowly lower herself into a reclining position, forepaws stretched out in front of her and tail curled about her side as she rested her delicate crown upon her forelimbs. Acidic orbs fell half lidded as she lazily watched the goings on of the forest from afar. It was lovely, and living within that pack, with such a wondrous place as a home, must have been magical. What wealth must that pack have to be able to hold down that territory? They must be powerful, and stealthy hunters. Forests were full of twigs, which snapped a lot underfoot and alerted prey to you. Letting another sigh shudder through her slim flanks, she slowly le her eyes flutter shut. She would enjoy the sounds and the smell for now, and go home when she'd had her fill.

But the rest is forgotten