
Darling, oh my darling



5 Years
07-12-2014, 04:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2014, 08:05 AM by Novella.)

Twice now the idea had been planted in Novella's head that Frith could be more than just a friend to her though it was the talk with Satu earlier that day that had really driven the truth hard to her and stunned her into a state of complete and utter confusion. If she was entirely honest boyfriends and romances hadn't exactly crossed her mind in the past this was entirely new territory and it scared her. It didn't help either that her hormones were currently all over the place, still the temptation lingered to keep to herself though a part of her couldn't deny that she longed to see Frith.

The compromise would be to make her way to their secret cave at the falls. If he was there or would turn up then she was meant to see him though if not then she would have complete isolation for a while to think things over. You were supposed to just follow your heart in these sort of situations, but her mind was screaming a jumble of incoherent thoughts.

She would arrive and slip inside, easily making her way through the tunnel to the main area even without Frith's guidance now. Mismatched eyes would gaze around the place the rainbows dancing off the crystals so brightly as they had when he had first brought her here and it seemed already her clouded mind would begin to clear, heart pointing out what others around her had already noticed. How had she not realised these feelings the last time she had been here, or even the last time they had spent time together?