
I'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one


07-12-2014, 04:39 PM
He had been lost, so lost. But then he found her... Silveris. The form of his sister. But willing himself to speak was not easy. Instead Buill would follow at a distance, softly sighing as he followed behind his sister. The male would follow her to the island, bi-colored orbs hoping, praying that she might turn around and look to him again. Praying that she might remember who he was. But instead his tracking and following would not gain him this, but instead, as he hid in the bushes, watching her, the fae would charge him.




It raised a red flag in Buill's mind, his heart. The brute would reel back, though not fast enough as his own sister bit down on his ear. He didn't even yelp, just cringed, cowering down as tears welled up in his eyes. Even when she backed away, wagging her tail, Buill wouldn't move, tail between his legs as he gazed at her, hurt. Not just the bite, that was now dripping droplets of crimson upon his chocolate coat. He was confused at first, seeing that she didn't recognize him yet, and that only added to his hurt. Did... did Silveris forger her own brother?

His mouth open, trying to form the word... her name. But so long had passed without speaking... just a odd coughing noise came out on the first try. He shuddered, feeling desperate, needing to say her name, needing for Silveris to know that it was him, her brother. Again he would try, and again. Nothing. Then, on the fourth try, he would rasp out in a quiet, shaking voice. "Silveris... It's...e..."