



7 Years
07-12-2014, 04:55 PM

Her master paid her no attention, which surprised the tiny female. She had hoped that by disobeying her master, something she never did, would bring her out of this strange state. And yet... The pieces began to fall into place as they spoke to each other, soft words, words of pain and hurt. Ekko's own ears would pin back, for she knew exactly what this was. Love. She was a slave to that emotion, or at least she had been. It was what had gotten her into this whole mess, it was the reason for her beautiful face being scarred. She was no longer pretty, and she was no longer whole. She was suddenly very afraid for her sweet Lady, she knew what love did to wolves. It destroyed them, it tore them apart. It crushed dreams and it shattered souls.

Ekko whined softly, nuzzling her russet queen softly on the shoulder. "Lady Sibelle, please. Let us go away from here." She whispered quietly. But his name flowed out of her inky lips, this gray brute had hurt her master. Quickly the small female spun, her pale blue eyes boldly looking up. She did not meet his eyes, she gazed at his ebony nose instead. "I would suggest that you leave. You have hurt more than enough wolves with your silly notion of love. You cannot fix this, and if you harm my Lady I will find a way to throw it back at you. It will come for you, karma always does." She said, her soft voice raising slightly. Apparently Ekko had grown some balls in the past few moments, because this was truly not how she acted. But she knew what the whole concept of love did to others, and she would not stand by idle and watch it happen.

Turning back to her lady, to her sweet russet queen, another whine would slip from between her lips. Was she sorry that she spoke out? No. But she was sorry for not listening to direct orders, but this was an important matter. She did not know how deeply Sibelle felt for this man, but it mattered not. All that mattered was Sibelle, and she needed to pull her away from this beast of a creature. Ekko pressed the flat part of her skull against Sibelle's chest, softly pushing against her to try and move her, or at least grab her attention. She did not speak again though, she had done her fair share of speaking out of line.
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]