
dead white and blue


07-12-2014, 05:16 PM

The woman would stand tall, listening to what the cobalt boy had to say. "Glaciem and Valhalla have been enemies ever since I was born. My father tore them down at one point but they recreated themselves somehow out of the ashes." She had no interest in the past victories of a man who did not lead anymore. The Woman had not a care in the world about the boys 'father'. She was here for the present, not of the past. "Obviously the past Valhalla was not of the strongest." She rolled her metallic eyes, she did not care about most of what he was saying until he began to speak again. "But alas, I think that it is the adravendi's who ran Valhalla that we held our blood against. So I do not see a problem with making a peace arrangement with the new Valhalla despite you keeping the packs name. I am not the main alpha of Glaciem, Athena my mate is the queen and supreme ruler. So if you'd like I can call her and we can discuss this further." The girl nodded, he had no reason to judge their peace over the name of her newly found pack. "Very well." Athena sounded familiar, but she would merely wait for him to call and for her to show herself. Yet, right after his song entered the air, a familiar face popped out of the blue. "Svanerna, what a surprise." Svanerna tilted her head, it was the girl she fought in the battlefields. "Nice to see you again, Athena." The viking was stoic as ever, but a little smirk was evident across her inky lips. More words came from the Glaciem Queen's lips as Svan smiled softly. "I was hoping you would be stopping by. I was at Virdiana's challenge and as you must know it was very exciting to see Valhalla come under new management. Like Vereux was saying, it was the wolves who held Valhalla that we held a grudge with, not Valhalla itself. I have to agree that a peace agreement is more than acceptable." Svanerna Finnvi dipped her head in acceptance and spoke her own luxurious words. "I have decided to make Valhalla a completely neutral aligned pack. I am accepting anyone who has potential, within reason. I am small in members as of now, but we are growing. I am offering a peace treaty. Or even an alliance. I could see us working together. I will be sure to it that all of my members know of our alliance, they will respect the terms."
