
We've A New Life


07-12-2014, 05:50 PM

Kar would feel heat rise to his cheeks when Nalyda spoke, and he would gaze at her with a bit of a taken-aback look. "I know... I just wanted to spend some more time with you... I... I guess I'm feeling more protective of you right now." The male would look at her with lime green eyes. He meant because of her heat, which he was sure the woman would understand. She was intelligent after all. Oh how Kar feared that someone might try and take advantage of her, force her into certain acts. If that ever happened he would shed his generally peaceful nature and tear them apart. No one, no one would ever hurt Nalyda and get away unscathed if he could do something about it. His own scar, of his right eye, was a reminder of that.

Her next question was one that both caught him off guard and was something he had been hoping to hear. Have pups. Children. The two of them. He could feel his heart start to race some, heat coming to his own cheeks as words fell from his mouth. "Of course I have! I mean... I mean of course I have. Having a family... has been a bit of a dream of mine. I've always wanted a little daughter especially." Kar would gently press against Nalyda's her side, nuzzling her cheek. "But never before you are ready... and only if you truly want too... which... I'm guessing might have been why you asked? At least someday?" How things were moving fast for them, but young love was such a beautiful thing. There was no reason to ashamed of it, after all.

Speech, Thought