
Custom Concern


05-07-2013, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2013, 08:43 PM by Deteste.)

There was a long pause and we could have stood staring at one another endlessly. With my crown dipped slightly I looked up and though I tried to make my expression without judgement I knew there must have been some impression of hope in my stare. In my disposition. The hope was new to me. I had encountered countless packs who would not allow us entry because of Laxago's condition and my appearance. All leaders had considered me as a haggard and dangerous individual in my more severe moods I could understand where such a judgement might be made. I knew I had been sudden in my approach and there must have been a great amount of thought behind those eyes but there was no emotion I could discern from the femme other than coolness and reflection. Perhaps I had invested too much in the vermilion jacket she wore. In the glowing lavender gaze that resembled amethyst in the night. But there had to be fate behind such prominent features.

Jupiter . This was her name and the grandeur of it matched her affect. I had seen the planet many times in the sky, glowing like a large amber star in the night and many times had I indicated it's presence to Laxago who in her dark moods never understood my appreciation. While Laxago had never been unkind to me she had been as distant as any planet or star in the sky since the birth of our first litter. It was eerie to feel the excitement and warmth I had now. I was extremely grateful for the home that Jupiter was offering us but in the depths of my gratitude and joy I felt guilt that Laxago could not share such emotions with me. But most of all I felt guilt that I enjoyed sharing such emotions with another person, one that I had just met. The guilt escaped me and I could feel the emotion slightly contour my expression before I was able to control it again. I looked away. Up towards the night sky hoping that the shadows would dim the expression for the brief second that it was there.

I locked eyes with Jupiter again after her invitation to walk. I'd traveled long distances for the past couple of days. My pads resembled sandpaper and raw. But in her invitation my weariness suddenly left me. As did the guilt. I followed, allowing half a stride between us to acknowledge her leadership. I was excited to explore the land, perhaps Jupiter would give me a short tour. Another lippy smile stretched across my jaws as I approached however as I neared Jupiter there was something in her gaze that reminded me to be guarded. Something within told me to dim my gleeful emotions and to distance myself. I had not had a friend before. Not before or after Laxago. I believed I loved her. Whether sincerely or out of duty I did not know but before this instant I had not believed it mattered for the idea of friendship had been unreal before this instant. I follow. I stated shortly, unsure of what was to come next.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.