
Keep Careful Watch of My Brother's Souls



2 Years
07-12-2014, 09:28 PM

He hated this. She was so excited and looking to confide in him as they had as pups but here he was, playing the adult and crushing her dreams in one fell swoop. When had the light faded so swiftly from him? Then he supposed he shouldn't be surprised. They'd all been forced to grow up far to soon. His eyes narrowed slightly at the sarcastic tone she took when discussing their family. Did family mean nothing to her anymore?

And I'd hardly call half starving the time of my life, but at least it's real!"

He growled. "We're real too Valeriya! Our suffering is real whether you care to acknowledge yours or not. Running away into the wilderness isn't going to erase that pain." The words slipped like daggers from his maw before he could stop them. "I'm sorry? that was stupid." He listened to her words as she continued to speak so earnestly to him.

It wasn't a half bad idea, honestly. Too just take up and leave this world behind. Too live together and maybe get a chance to heal each other without having to worry about the rest of the pack getting involved. What would Katja say? And what about Baldur? He needed to train to become stronger. "I? I don't know Valeriya. I need to train, I need to become stronger and the way to do that is learning from the best. I can't protect anyone if I don't know how to fight. How to kill. But? you're idea's not a bad one?"

Sigmarr's voice trailed off as his eyes gazed out into the forest. "Our siblings will be safer in the pack but? they have a right to decide. Why don't you come back to Ebony and we can ask? If they want to go with you I'll go too but if not? well, I'll stay and make sure nothing happens to them. But? I really wish you'd stay too."

"Talk" "You" Think