
Indifference can be cured?


05-07-2013, 08:54 PM

Newt had a point. She would give her that much, a small nod showing her agreement. "That I cannot argue with." She said simply, there those who took the life of another simply for their enjoyment. But she still couldn't bring herself to want to stay and be part of this pack, whether or not she was an assassin. It soothed her some that Newt took such an interest in her members, wanting to know their every concern. She continued to listen, she would be disrespectful simply because the two wolves shared a different opinion. From what she was saying, it appeared as though the pack would be a valuable ally to someone, but she knew little of politics and didn't care to get involved.

Before Newt had finished speaking, she granted Khaos leave, without any consequences. Shoulders relaxed a bit, she hadn't realized how tense she had been. A ghost of smile tugged at her lips. "I have heard you out, but I still cannot bring myself to continue living here. I hold no hard feelings towards you or the pack. I greatly appreciate your care and concerns for me." She rose to paws, offering her Alpha one last smile. She was sad to leave the lands and pack she had called home for some time now. But she needed to be happy. Deserved to be happy. And she knew she wouldn't find that here. Without another word, the chocolate toned dame turn dipped her head one last time in respect before turning and taking her leave. Her first few steps would be slow, hesitant as her eyes sought out the edge of the territory. With every step her confidence would grow and so she would trotting off towards the border to her future.

-exit Khaos-

Walk "Talk" Think