
With wild hearts, blue jeans and white t-shirts



3 Years
07-12-2014, 11:36 PM

Valeriya let out a startled squeak and stumbled back a pace as a figure emerged from the inky darkness. He, for yes it had certainly been a he, was older and larger than the auburn fae. Luckily for the young girl he did not seem overly aggressive, or angry at all. In fact he seemed... pretty chill. So it was that Valeriya composed herself, allowing a nervous cough to precede her words. "I-I'm Valeriya Xanilov." It was a reflex, a knee-jerk reaction, to tack on her surname though it made her wince. His own title sank in and she very nearly let a groan out to accompany her cough and squeak. The Destruction Family was a powerful clan, also holding sway in the east, according to the very few lessons her mother had given before disappearing. She wasn't sure who exactly this male was, but if he knew anything of Ebony, he might recognize her name. And then would come the questions, the lectures, the abrassive-ness she'd received from her brother... Valeriya allowed herself a small shake, realizing that she probably seemed absolutely batty to this poor young male. In an effort to lead things along a better path she attempted to redirect the conversation. "Empty, huh? Awesome. I'm looking for somewhere to bed down for the night." Maybe it would not be so odd to him that a fae not even a year of age would be wondering around by herself? She could only hope. Valeriya paced back to the cave's mouth and inhale deeply through the nose yet again, trying now to look beyond his scent. Musty for sure. Damp and earthy. 100% cave, but beyond that... Well, she didn't have much experience with caves if she was being perfectly honest. But there was only one way to change that, right? She turned back to the male with a smile. "You know better than I do. Want to show me the best places to catch a few hours of sleep?"

"Talk" "You" Think