
We've A New Life


07-13-2014, 12:12 AM

His claws would mark the male, cutting the side of his right foreleg. It served the male right, and Kar was beginning to wonder if, perhaps, this could very well end up being a deathmatch. The brute would keep what defenses he could, trying to ignore the sudden rain that began to fall from the gray skies. He hadn't even noticed it get so dark, and yet it had. A fitting scene, especially when he saw the lightning flash, and the wild look of danger in the other male's eyes. The other started to run towards him again with bared fangs. But Kar was rolling, getting to his paws, and kicking off the ground quick and hard, he would hop out of reach of the male's jaws, whether the bite was aimed or not.

'Goddess Siri, I beg of you now, give me the strength I need to protect my mate.' The thought would roll in the back of his mind, a silent prayer to the entity he believed in. Kar was no killer, not really, and he truly hoped that it wouldn't come to that. But the other was so determined to take Nalyda. Did he not know that this was no such way to gain a mate? Kar would lash out with back paws, hoping to catch the other somewhere, though that put his back end at risk too. Miscalculating could leave on of those paws in the jaws of his enemy.

Speech, Thought