
The Follower Who Lost His Heart


07-13-2014, 12:40 AM

It would not take Quelt long to leave the den, to come out to meet him. The children would still have Irune with them. Bless the woman's heart, and bless Quelt, for taking up the duty of watching over them. If anything happened to the remaining little bundles... Allen was sure he would break. They were so young and already tainted by nightmares and horrors of this world. It was too soon, far too soon that they would witness this type of madness. He would let out a heavy sigh when Quelt asked the question, shaking his head. Okay? What a strange and funny word that was to him now.

"No Quelt, I'm not... and it is very likely that I won't be okay for some time to come." The words were honest, tone and expression revealing how hurt, how broken the man was by all of this. There was truly no justice in this cruel, thrice damned world for his family. "It is so unfair to these poor children to have to go through this... first their mother... one they never even got to meet... and now their father..." He would lower his gaze, shivering some.

"...and I hurt just as much as they do... I've been with Hajime since he was a child... I... I should have been there... I should have protected him. It was my duty... my oath... he was my own blood... He's gone... my sister is gone... and I wasn't there. I promised I'd be there for them and I wasn't!" Though his pitch got more desperate, the volume would drop, cracking with emotion.

"Speech", 'Thought'