
The Follower Who Lost His Heart



7 Years
Extra large
07-13-2014, 01:24 AM

The gods were not the only ones in power, there was the universe as well. The universe hated some of them, and he could tell that by just looking at this man while he was broken and bruised. He let a deep growl escape his throat with the mentioning of this curse. Well if there was one, he would break it into little pieces until it finally left them alone. No longer would they hurt so much, and if they did he would be here to save and help them gods help him. Quelt's eyes would narrow as he stepped forward more. Oh how he had the urge to hold the man, to comfort him with some sense of touch. "There are two forces in the world Allen, the universe and the gods. Sometimes all the gods can do is sit and take in the lives that the universe destroys. Listen to me Allen, if this curse such as you speak of exists like Hajime has told me. I will rip it to shreds, I will howl in the face of the universe and screw it over even if it means defying the logic of the world." his voice got slightly higher and more demanding. Nails digging into the dirt.
"We are not perfect Allen, there is only so much we can do. But I swear to the blood of walkers I refuse to let them lose to sorrow. I am here, to protect you, to protect them. Cry Allen, cry out all your tears. Please heal, and I will be here in the end. I will always be here." His voice cracked under the pressure. He refused to let tears fall. He would be strong for them, strong for all of them. "I won't let them take anyone else from any of you. It's unfair, and I will see it that it stops." He was so similar, so similar to the wolf known as Hajime's mother. But he was unaware of this. Perhaps Allen would notice, perhaps he would not. His tail would raise as he looked to the sky. "You hear that universe, I'll send you running with your tail between your legs. Leave my family the fuck alone." he shouted out to the sky. Though lowering himself again, watching the entrance of the stone den to make sure he hadn't woken anyone up. Then his head would turn to Allen.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]