
Torn Away



2 Years
07-13-2014, 03:45 AM

She would listen to him; angered by his naive and ignorant attitude. She didnt have to fight or argue to leave; she was free'd like many others. Her crown would hang low, his rage coming more and more apparent. Perhaps now things would change- but it became clear now she would not be quite so welcome to Glaciem once again. " I knew he was back Drash, but i want to leave... Im heading away from the North for a little while." Her voice would trail of, trying to stay calm, it wasnt in her nature for violence. His next words would come out harshly, reminding her all to well that she had always been the lowest rank of the Ice kingdom. She would make no comment though; making his thoughts very clear. He would soon make his confession; though she was surprised he said it so openly, and now only guilt filled within her. But it was all to late now, wasn't it? " While you still aloud it? Since when did you give out orders! Your so naive that you only think about your happiness and not mine! Couldn't you see that i would have always come back for you? That id never be able to leave you permanently? But i Suppose now every things changed, you've changed." She would come to a halt, her gaze cold and her body posture tired. " Goodbye, Drashiel..." Her soft tone would trail of once more, looking upon him once more before swivelling around to face away from him. And with a last hesitation she would leave.

-S'alkrie exits unless stopped.-

image by Emily, Permission to use