
Songbird on the Run



5 Years
07-13-2014, 09:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2014, 09:30 AM by Ullr.)

Silver eyes rimmed in sky blue peered through a pocket of daisies as the young male rested on his belly, body tense, rump in the air as his tail wagged lazily back and forth. The tail froze suddenly. Taught limbs uncoiled as he sprang forward, fangs just missing a butterfly. It took off into the air. "Oh no you don't! No Charaxes will escape me. Prepare your self vile- eh?" He froze as he noticed something moving in the grass. Slinking back down he waited.

Ullr was finally healthy again and growing rapidly into a robust and handsome young man. No longer the scrawny, wormy, malnourished twerp that Thor and his brothers had rescued from their abusive father a season ago. Lithe frame tucked fully down on his belly, even his rump this time as he watched something squirming in the grass. What could it be? Was it a Gyre? He swallowed nervously. Had the Rath found him already? Suffocating silence closed in on his mind as he squeezed his eyes shut. The snow wasn't here to protect him and neither was Dyani but all the same? he was getting tired of always living in fear. And it wasn't fair to Dyani to always have to watch him. He was Ullr named for the god of snow and the hunt! He was a hunter and would not become the hunted!

With a snarl the boy sprang forward, fangs latching tight into the middle of a snake, instantly severing the spine but not before the writhing creature twisted back and bit him solidly on the cheek. "Ahhhh!!!!! Get it off! Get it off!" Finally with a flip of his head he dislodged dead creature. Ullr glared down at the serpent. It wasn't one of the poisonous ones thank goodness. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat down heavily.
