
If I Had A Heart...



07-13-2014, 10:36 AM

The tawny boy would speak as though he were shocked of the albino?s return; emerald gaze so fixated upon the ruby gape of his father, his attentions relentless, satisfying. There was no greater show of respect than the tedious illumination of the youth?s intellect, than his mind busy and fanatical within the company of his father. ?Don?t sound so surprised Drashiel, no meagre virus can contain me too long,? lips bubbled with bemusement, however the situation would change rapidly; the tension of the youth causing static snapping that ricocheted the air between them.

Poor news, and news well worth being blue, frustrated for; S?alkyrie was a divine babe, even within her youth he bore a passion for her beauty and self-drive. The pair had always managed to withhold a mutual respect, though neither of them had had true good reason to do so. ?S?alkyrie?? he is as shocked within his voice as he is within his mind, pale toes halting beneath him as coral features grow suddenly solemn, aware of the boys reboring features. He is disappointed, frustrated, and it is likely something will be done. ?Did Athena allow her to leave?? though he certainly wouldn?t put it past his daughter to do such a thing, her reign was hardly as disciplined and religious as his own.

?Regardless, we will unearth her isolation and persuade her wavering loyalty that her decision was unwise,? ah, in his former leadership Isardis would not have been quite so forgiving; alas, as much as the ghoul struggled to admit it he didn?t blame the lamb for seeking thrill and belonging elsewhere? Glaciem was no longer the same for Isardis either. Though a few moments would pass that his mind seemed blissfully unaware of the boy?s foul use of words, Isardis? attentions would sway, his features growing suddenly rigid as his hackles threatened to bristle his spine. ?Do you hide your own insecurities behind the foul misuse of your tongue?? pipes quivered, ?No man sheltered within his own being need use such language, you advertise only your lack of royalty and narrow intellect. Nor will I stand to be in the presence of such polluted disrespect?? a single breath, ?Now, if you truly desire S?alkyrie?s existence, you will have to do far more than throw aggravating insults towards a mother you hadn?t the pleasure of knowing. Or are you powerlessly content in being as useless as those you abuse?? and to hell if a son of mine will give in so easily.