
Don't you dare push me in


07-13-2014, 12:47 PM

It had been some time since Aislin been around, though she had her reasons, and she had already spoken to her Queen, so there was no real reason to dwell on it further. The black goddess glided, like a shadow, about on the swamp lands seeing that she had never been here before. The golden eyes that glowed best at night looked left and right at her surroundings, knowing that someone else was here. The close air made it hard to determine where, but she was here. And Aislin knew it was female also. There were surpisingly not so many differences between the smells of man and woman, except for the spicy and sweet tones. Some had a mix of both, and some completely separate. This one time, it was a mix of both, which told her that the female had been around males recently.

As paws carefully trudged through the mud and water, Aislin figured since the wolf was here, deep in pack lands, that she would make herself known because the wolf smelled of the pack, though, a trespasser might rub itself on the borders for days before coming in, to act like she was part of the pack. Aislin, if needed, would fight them off, but she doubted this was the case, and it proved even more so as she approached to find a sneaky little yearling. The young woman was silver and black, and his well in the swamps. Currently the young one was dipping it's paw into the water as if looking at the fish, which were swimming about in the waters. Not caring if the female heard her coming or not, Aislin decided to speak anyhow. While she would be speaking with her whispery, cold voice, Aislin would walk closer to the young female to also gaze into the water to see the fish.

"The waters here are close like the air in the swamp; compacted into a dense form. The fish try to survive in the small spaces, but sometimes they are forced to try and swim through the grasses where occasionally they get stuck and die. When it floods, it's easier for them to move."