
Intermission from the world



3 Years
07-13-2014, 12:52 PM
ooc: I keep getting caught out by sneaky posts lately, sorry I didn't see this sooner!

Talvi had been the only of her immediate siblings to inherit Taurig's blue colouration yet with the colouring all around her it had never struck her as odd that some of her half-siblings resembled her even more so than her full-blooded ones. With other similarly coloured wolves in Glaciem she had figured it a common colour, even now she wouldn't know any differently really. She would likely never know it had been inherited from her father, that she was in fact the perfect little balance between her two parents were her siblings had skipped a generation in their colours.

Those two simple words would bring a small frown to crease Talvi's appearance, she still looked far from happy though that glare had certainly been softened now in her confusion. The other would continue to speak though still Talvi still remained a little uncertain of it all, was she really saying what she appeared to be? Talvi would remain silent however, and it seemed Pandora would continue with her explanation confirming Talvi's suspicions; she had been speaking of their father. She wasn't sure whether to feel pleased or not by the news; the man lacked loyalties to any it seemed, though it was surely difficult for Pandora to learn the truth for herself, especially after he had been part of her life.

She would lower herself to the ground now, prepared to sit and speak with the other girl. It was sad that it would take something like this to persuade her to try bond with her sister though Talvi had certainly harboured a jealousy towards her. "It probably would have been." She agreed, even now it was all somewhat awkward, in the space of a minute she had gone from despising Pandora to feeling sympathetic towards her. The weirdest part however was of course that whilst technically sisters, neither knew anything about the other. She wouldn't prompt for Pandora's life history now though, instead focus upon their so called father. "What did you learn?"