
Beauty of the Orchard



4 Years
08-12-2014, 06:26 PM

Motion | Talk | Thought

Aoto could feel Tallulah moving her head under his chin and couldn't hold back the biggest smile he could ever show to anyone. He knew that this wasn't a fantasy but instead it was a reality, one that he never dreamed to be possible. The brute was going to spend his days with her to make her happy and to let her know that she was always going to be loved. Aoto didn't ever want her to feel alone anymore and wanted to take away what pain she held and give her happiness. He didn't have to hold back his feelings anymore as his lips parted as he whispered again "I love you my beautiful, Tallulah" his voice was still gentle and caring.

For him to have got to meet someone so very beautiful and kind, he felt like he was the luckiest guy in the world. She was going to be his top priority over everything else for now. Aoto wanted to always let her know now that she was going to be who comes first before his work unless something of dire importance comes up but he was sure that she would understand that for someone this kind he was sure of it. The brute didn't know what she would want from him in this relationship but he wanted to know so they could work together to achieve it "Tallulah, what would you want from this relationship? I know all I could ever ask for from you is your love and support for the days to come but what is that you want my love?" He was calm and whispered to her as Aoto wanted her to truly know that he was going to listen to her.