
Let Us Talk Of Duties And Responsibilies


07-13-2014, 03:43 PM
The world he walked in was changing, but yet... there was still that missing hole. He had been so happy when he first reunited with Haruka, seeing her face after some time. But the news she shared... it had truly upset him. But why wouldn't it? His father was dead. Siblings missing or dead... his mother bearing what were likely this other man's children. He even attempted his poor sister's life! But... try as he may to search for her when he could, there was still not a sign at all. He was worried... terrified to think that something might have happened to her. The thought that he was the problem had not arisen to his mind, though it was a possibility, wasn't it?

Then came the fact that he had been promoted. The male was both happy and a bit sad at this. Happy that he could continue to prove himself and work within his pack, providing for those that he cared for. Yet... Haruka hadn't been there to see it. What was the point of a 'Legend' if no one knew of it? A lost tale, forgotten by the world. He would shake his head, wanting to clear the thoughts away. He still needed to speak with one of the Praetors about his duties, and it gave reason enough for a distraction good as any. Head would tilt back, calling for one of the lovely women to come if they were available.
