
everybody loses it -


05-19-2013, 07:58 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 477.

The plots she had developed during her reign as the Tortugan queen and during her former counterpart?s life had all but vanished from the woman?s mind with the new changes she had been forced through - there just had to be some tweaking to each and every one to accompany those changes. Although her ideal pawn in one of her many schemes had been recently slaughtered before she could utilize him in her little game, there were still other candidates roaming Alacritis; she just had to find them. As she discreetly examined the unknown canine with judgmental eyes while he studied her own figure, noting on his larger apex and masculine attributes, the thought that she might not have to search for much longer danced through her mind and resurrected the plot she had formulated because of Kaien. This time, however, the plot revolved solely around her own needs.

She silenced her plot just momentarily as the brutish male spoke again, confirming that simple conversation was unheard of without a reason for it, and Morphine pondered whether or not this was correct. In this case, the assumption that she desired something of the male was true, but she would never allow the male an insight to her scheme that he had just rekindled with his simple presence and stature. No ? she would play the common concubine who had just coincidentally fallen under the desire for pleasure, not the woman who sought a one night stand for the possible outcome of children for selfish reasons. But, before any of this occurred, the white witch would need to discreetly entice the brute before he grew bored of her company and moved along without satiating her desire. Not that the virgin ex-queen knew much about seduction ? but did she really need to have experience in that department when the scent of estrus was prominent upon her?

The male?s barrage of inquiries derived the simple quirk of a brow from the woman as he further questioned her intentions, mentioning the cruel weather and how a majority of canines shied away from it. Her shoulders rose and fell nonchalantly in response and she sauntered towards where he sat, closing the distance between them all the more as she encircled him sluggishly, keeping her eyes locked upon his figure as she did so and her smirk pasted to her countenance. ?Might I ask your name, or must I pry it from your lips? Or ? or I could just call you, say, Mister Unpleasant, because it seems all the more fitting, dear,? she giggled softly, internally disgusted with the flirtatious fool she portrayed but maintained the bubbly fa?ade that she hoped would interest him. Males didn?t want the smart ones, did they? No ? they wanted women that were easy to deceive and easy, period, so Morphine could play one if only for a night.