
Sleeping In



5 Years
07-13-2014, 06:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Early afternoon! She could not believe she had let so much time go to waste. It was so unlike her, so disappointing, that she groaned again, ears even falling back to rest against her head. Never again, she promised herself. There were far too many things out there - places to see, people to meet, work to do for training as a hunter - for her to allow herself to lazily spend her time sleeping when she could function perfectly well on the normal amount of sleep she tended to get.

Her brother informed her of his actual plans in being here, still sounding amused at her misfortune as he lifted a paw and touched her head. Anais's ears rose and then splayed slightly, feeling the dampness still within the fur of his paw transfer to her head, and she quirked a brow at him. "Looks like you've already been there," she answered with laughter in her voice, giving her head a little shake before bringing her own paw over it to rub the sensation away. Kailos seemed to have missed out on some lake exploration already.

To her surprise, Nako opened the door for a day for themselves, and Anais's yellow-gold eyes brightened. He was right. They rarely got time to spend together anymore, not the way they once had, and certainly it was overdue. Somehow she had always assumed him too serious, too focused on training - on growing up in general - to pay attention to her tendency to play and wander rather than work on her maturity. Maybe she had been wrong about him this whole time. "Really?" she asked, a touch of disbelief within her tone though already her tail was beginning to wag excitedly. "Yeah, of course!" she answered readily, "That sounds really fun."

She could see the subtle change that happened on his face, as soft and quiet as it had been. He paused thoughtfully, his expression shifted minutely, and suddenly he was asking about earlier days, days when they were pups, when they had been less busy and had only each other to play with. Her look softened, her smile nearly faltering but holding its place. "I do," she said quietly, sensing that he did not reflect on them with the same sort of happiness that she did but with a longing for days past. She got to her paws and stepped over to him, pressing her cheek reassuringly against his shoulder. "I miss them too, sometimes," she admitted, "but I miss you guys most of all." Today, however, they were going to fix that, and maybe later, she hoped, they could get Jak in on the fun too.

Drawing back, she offered him one of her warm smiles, her tail beginning to wag again. "So what should we do?" she asked, excitement slowly returning to her. Too much time had passed since she had had a moment like this with her brother, and there seemed so much that she was clueless about. What all had he learned since their move, where had he gone, who had he met? Too many questions, too many options, buzzed through her mind. "Anything I haven't done yet?" Always the adventurous type, she was ready to try anything, to learn anything new, that Nako could think of. "Or maybe you can tell me what Dad's been teaching you guys?" she asked, sure that alone would have been very exciting all on its own.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.