
Dark Flame Of Mine [Creedance]


05-18-2013, 02:28 AM

He would answer her and Amaranth would be at a loss. Too many emotions swirled in the depths of her chest and she couldn't decide which one too pick. Aggression coiled around her heart out of conscious habit. Disbelief ensnared her in the stunned silence. Excitement swished through her gaze... and so many emotions that she couldn't name careened through her. her teeth would come down on her bottom lip hard enough to bleed. She couldn't decide if she wanted him to fuck her until she couldn't see straight or if she to rip his heart out from its place inside of his rib cage.

...For a long moment, she did nothing. Seemingly frozen, locked in place by her own decrepit madness. golden eyes would bore into mismatched orbs and she remained utterly still. How long had it taken her to convince herself that he was dead? How long had she spent hardening her heart because his visage would never be there to light up her world? And now he stood before her like some glorious phantom and suddenly, Amaranth had to move. Sliding downwards gathering her weight in her back legs, she lunged.

Coiling her forelimbs around his shoulder and pressing her teeth to the pulsing jugular in his throat her body weight would hold him down, pressed against the length of his own, the contact brought a shiver down her back. The snarl was low, warning, but she hadn't hurt him...yet. "Why didn't you come for me?" The snarl was low... poisonous.
