
Maybe they will love me too



07-13-2014, 10:24 PM

Curiosity ran through his veins as he kept his head lowered to the ice rather than up and alert. While he might have looked like a grazing deer, he was simply trying to drag in any sense of smell that might help him in choosing a path. While he was fine with anything, the movement of his ears would tell him if anyone was around to disturb him. Rentaro would not simply give himself up on a silver platter, there was proof to behold to actually hold him at their mercy of any pack. Even if he considered joining one, he would aim to destroy it from the inside. To dismember their pack wolves, and watch them beg and cry, watch them get angry at him for his own entertainment. While yet still, there was nothing about him, nothing at all that gave away his true nature.
Raising his head finally, he would conclude two packs near here. Ones he would most likely ask strangers about to gather information about them. He had heard about the battlefield, perhaps he would check it out to see what took place in that rocky terrain. It had only been a single day since he came here, and with the sun dimming just below the horizon, he would give a sigh. Tonight, he would not sleep, for he still had to find a place to den for some time. At least until he decided where he was going to go, and what and whose lives he was going to destroy next even if it took a year to go about it.

?I speak?