
Cheshire Country


05-08-2013, 01:06 PM

The female seemed to relax just a bit when Fenris told her that he was not there to hurt her. She still kept a bit of a defense up, she did not trust him that much yet. Fenris listened to her speak, a simple question yes, and one that he shall answer."I wandered into this land just passing through. I really mean no one harm" He said in a calm gentle voice. Fenris's tail swayed gently as he stood there looking at this dame. She still had her eyes on him, and that was quite alright in his mind.

Next she spoke Saying, well asking as to how he knew she was happy, and what not. His head cocked a bit in confusion. He did not remember saying anything of the such. Fenris was a bout to reply when the dame seemed to be off in a different dimension. He walked a bit closer to her head a slight bit low show he was not going to hurt her. He looked at her his green eyes soft and kind. " I can tell that something is bothering you. Like you have been hurt by someone you cared for." He paused "Go a head snap at me or what ever you want, but i know for a fact that dwelling in the past will only make you sadder"
