
Me And My Broken Heart


07-14-2014, 12:07 PM

Silveris waited, her heart pounding, as one single thought came to mind. I'm surprised he can't hear my heart right now. Silveris glanced at Emery as he spoke. ?I think I might like you too, Silveris. You?re really nice... And it?s been great having some company again.? Her heart began to race, and she raised her head, meeting his gaze for just a moment. He glanced at the cave, and back towards her, smiling. ?Why don?t we head away from here, Silveris? It might help clear your head if this is out of sight.? The brown and white girl nodded briefly. "Yeah." She got to her paws and walked back towards the edge of the island, walking slowly. As she passed him, she stopped. "You should know about my family, anyway. My past, at least." She felt uncomfortable talking about her blood family, especially the brother she loved so much.

She walked ahead of Emery, and stopped at the edge of the island, staring into the water. Her mismatched gaze stared back up at her. When Emery appeared, she would begin to speak. "I was raised in a huge pack, away from this place. My mother was black and white, with one gold eye and one green eye. My father was solid brown, with one dark gray eye and one blue eye." She smiled, then, and glanced at him. "I guess that's how I got my eyes." She stared at her reflection again, continuing her story. "They were horrible parents. My sister, Bekkia, was perfect. She was their favorite. Biull was treated harshly by all three, because he was close to me. And me......They hated me. All of them. Except Biull."

"They tried to kill us, once. Until Bekkia's love for us got in the way......" She remembered it all. "Come here, you little....." Silveris' father snarled, grabbing Bekkia. Her mother came over, biting Bekkia. Blood splattered the ground, and Silveris looked away. When she looked back, Bekkia had stopped whimpering. In fact, she had stopped breathing. They had killed her. Silveris shuddered, but continued. "They killed her. They tore her apart, limb by limb." She stared at Emery, and continued her story. "One night, I heard them planning to kill us both. I escaped, and, it turns out that Biull had heard the same thing, but he was planning to tell Alpha. I left, and I tried to bring him with me. He wouldn't go, and tried to make me stay. But I couldn't. I wouldn't."

When she finally stopped, she stared at Emery. No wolf besides him knew her history. None of them.
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