
Goddess Awakened

Sri Simin

07-14-2014, 12:18 PM
The gold-and-cream girl seemed short-fused, irritated with Sri for some reason. Her own introduction was short. It made another giggle pass through Sri Simin's jaws. Perhaps she could taunt her way to winning? But, as she watched her opponent ready herself, the midnight fae quickly realized that she likely would not be able to get away with that. The woman was quick to charge at her, and seemed quite determined to win. The charcoal female knew that getting hit in her right shoulder would prove extremely harmful. The golden fae was not too terribly larger, but she was large enough that an impact head-on would severely hurt her smaller frame. Out of practice in "noble" battles, the female moved only a second too late to entirely avoid the impact. Her hind limbs uncoiled, swinging her hind end to the left. Freyja would knock into Sri's right shoulder, though the black fae's movement to the left lessened the impact. Instantly, she could tell that her bone was bruised, but she did not think of that. As soon as she swung her hind end to the left, she coiled herself again, keeping her limbs spread and her elbows and knees bent, toes splayed, clawing the earth.

This time, instead of waiting for an attack, the dark wolf sprung forward. Her hungry jaws parted, aiming to sink into the flesh of Freyja's right side, toward her underbelly. Sri Simin did not aim to bite and hold, however; her aim was to bite, rip, and pull away as quickly as she could. Planting her paws, toes splaying, claws digging into the earth, the girl jumped backward, hoping to avoid any counterattacks, whether her bite landed or not. All the while, her grin never left her face, her amber gaze sparkling. Her muscles tensed as Sri kept her legs spread for balance, toes and claws still clinging to the earth, her eyelids still squinted to protect her eyes, ears pinned against her dark head, body low to the ground, tail held straight behind her, chin tucked to protect her throat. She watched her opponent, another giggle escaping her throat. "This is quite fun, isn't it?" Her voice was high-pitched and childish, like an innocent child enjoying a game. To Sri, this was a game, though she continued to carefully observe her opponent.

ROUND: 2/3.
ATTACK: This time, instead of waiting for an attack, the dark wolf sprung forward. Her hungry jaws parted, aiming to sink into the flesh of Freyja's right side, toward her underbelly. Sri Simin did not aim to bite and hold, however; her aim was to bite, rip, and pull away as quickly as she could.
DEFENSE: Her muscles tensed as Sri kept her legs spread for balance, toes and claws still clinging to the earth, her eyelids still squinted to protect her eyes, ears pinned against her dark head, body low to the ground, tail held straight behind her, chin tucked to protect her throat.