
video killed the radio star



3 Years
07-14-2014, 04:26 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

Toxic green eyes flew open at the sound of a thump right next to her, and the girl's dark cranium whipped around to fix a bright green gaze on the stranger. A tiny little pup, probably barely out of the den. A kind, gentle smile crept onto her onyx features, and the patchwork pup flopped over onto her side so her dark belly was facing the tiny wolfess. "Hiya!" She yipped, tail thumping against the ground lightly. She gazed at the strange little one, who was cowering just beyond the girls own mismatched front paws. "You don't haveta be scared, I'm not gonna eat ya." She quietly assured the little one upon realizing there was no change in her demeanor. She brought her elbows up underneath her, and left her hind legs splayed out beside her, watching the scared little one. Her tiara would slowly fall to rest on her forepaws, and she watched the littler girl quietly then. If the little one wanted to talk, that was great, if she didn't, that was okay too. The dark pelted lass didn't mind much.

The small pup before her had interesting markings, her entire body was white, but her head was a slate blue colour. The insides of her ears were a ruddy brown, and her eyes must have been a lively colour too. However, the girl's oversized ivory paws covered them, and most of her face. Acidic orbs remained fixed gently on the trembling child beside her, waiting for some sort of reaction. "My name's Acadia, but everyone calls me Ace. What's yours?" Her soft melodies would inquire, as she kept herself in an utterly calm, relaxed state. As a very laid back femme herself, that wasn't exactly difficult. However, she had to keep her voice low or the little one would be afraid even more.

But the rest is forgotten