
light my fire


07-15-2014, 12:25 AM

They would walk for sometime, though it felt like no time at all. They would share stories, laughs and even moments of pity, though they were far less then the laughter. She found herself enjoying his presence even though she had just met the man. They would leave Covari behind in exchange for an unfamiliar place. She had been the area before but never here. Vivid memories flashed before her, causing her to frown briefly. These lands had opened up with the earthquake. It wasn't too far from here that she had lost her ear and nearly her life. She would shrug it off, deep baritones pulling her forward. "I'm more than ready." Stilts would carry her towards him, refusing to leave his side just yet. Eyes would narrow playfully as he quietly challenged her. She would pass him, brushing against his side as she went. "Well what are you waiting for then?" A brow would lift in her own challenge as she looked over her shoulder at him. She was ready for this adventure, she was excited to see what he had in store for them. Excitement rolled down her spine with a shiver, unable to contain herself any longer.

"Talk" "You" Think