
light my fire


07-15-2014, 12:32 AM

She was ready. Limbs would carry her past him and a mischievous smile would slip over inky lips as tail lashed behind him in retaliation. Her touch sent a tremor through his body and before she even could finish speaking he would bound after her. He would attempt to swing his hips around to knock against her own. Hard enough to send her stumbling a bit but not enough to knock her over. Hopefully it would be enough to allow him to gain the lead a bit. "Follow me Madame Sibelle!" He would call back, bounding and leaping for a time before the darkness would engulf them. It was dark, darker then anything else he had ever experienced but he knew from past adventures here that it would be short lived. "Do you believe in ghosts?" His voice was more musing, a soft whisper that would echo hollowly around them. He could not see her, could not feel even though he would swerve too and fro every so often in attempt to make contact. A soft glow would begin to bloom in the distance, every so often a mushroom would appear and light their path though not enough to see anything but a few inches of dirt around the small fungus. He would not stop for those. No not yet. He would not stop until they reached the cavern, light blossoming around them from the hundreds if not thousands of mushrooms that grew from the moss that lined the ground. "So what do you think?" He would ask, hopping forward to stand on the soft moss, spinning to face her.
