
Join the Hunt


05-08-2013, 03:55 PM
Everything happened so fast yet went along swiftly and smoothly. Thane broke into a run as Chrysanthe and Ashtoreth tried to find a deer to pick out. White lined ears were pinned back against the brutes head as he ran. Paws drummed against the Earth and its soil as he brought himself closer and closer to the herd. As quick as they started to run did a deer lift up it's head and spot the wolves.

A small smile was portrayed on the brutes face; oh how he loved a wild goose chase. No, this wasn't for fun anymore, this was for the pack! Then as the smile faded the male then had a look of determination. Aqua blue eyes looked peripherally at Chrysanthe, Ashtoreth, and Leon. A glint sparkled in his eyes as he saw Ashtoreth waiting for some sort of confirmation to go for a deer she was running beside.

Thane gave a bark and a nod as he ran in hopes she would go for it. The brute wanted to make sure that the promise was kept of all of them aiding whomever had found a suitable deer to go after.

With velocity and force did his dark gray paws bring him even faster across the ground towards the deer his fellow hunt or huntress was by. As Thane was somewhat behind the deer yet off to the side he was completely focused on its neck. Where would he strike. If he did not have enough of a lead he would go anywhere he could possibly latch on to the animal. Yet the deer was weak and had a visible limp. It didn't take much for it to tire out a bit and slow down its pace. Aqua blue eyes averted back to Chrysanthe and Leon as he prepared himself to latch onto the animals neck if he could.

With two big bounds did he get enough force to push off of his hind legs and open his jaws wide with canines and teeth bared. The male bit into the deers neck as he then shook his head back and forth with a growl as he tried to hold on. Holding onto a deer along wasn't an easy task. The brute awaited for the aid of the others as he kept his jaws closed on the preys neck. Blood seeped through his teeth and Thane knew this animal was weak, yet it could still put up a fight, so he was ready.