
It's a Sunny Day


05-08-2013, 04:22 PM
It was a nice day and the young brute quite enjoyed the nice weather. No more creepy swamps with mysterious wolves asking questions or falling into the Rio Grande. A small hmph was given as shoulders shrugged....where was he anyway. Vladimir was quite the traveler in his mind; he was always on the move. Sky blue eyes then averted to a sudden movement up ahead from afar.

It seemed like two wolves were tumbling towards each other....interesting. Vladimir broke into a small run, as he then slowed down to a casual jog right before arriving on the scene. A small smirk was portrayed on the young brutes face.

"Well Well lookie what we got here! What are you two doing all tangled up!" he said with a small humorous smile.

Of course Vlad was just joking since he saw the both of them trip. Then did he go to what really mattered.

"You two are ok right? No broken limbs? hurten(hurting) bodices(bodies)? I saw you both trip or fall. Quite a tumble the both of yer(you)did." he said with a small casual smile.

Vladimir was confused at this age. He looked like almost a full grown brute now but was still two and thought himself of a pup still. Yet that had to be let go as he aged and started to mature a bit more. Being all cocky was just so damn fun! The only reason he wanted to change his attitude was because his parents would frown upon such things he assumed. Well in a few other words Vlad would frown too if he was his own father. Perhaps he was a bit confused on how to act as of now; maybe later he would get his act together.

There was no way the young male was going to pass up this chance to have a bit of fun. No way! Of course he might even make a few new friends...perhaps some as devious as he right now. But yet with a sigh he knew that had to change or go as well.

With curious sky blue eyes Vladimir looked back and forth between the two wolves before him awaiting an answer.

"Oh and do pardon my manners, the names Vladimir, Vladimir Bellator." he said with a casual nod.

Then again why not start now with a small polite introduction....although he may have to work on that as well.